Nokia 6131 NFC

Nokia 6131 NFC Mobile Phone has dimensions of 3.62 x 1.89 x 0.79 inches, weighs 3.95 ounces, the main display measuring 2.2 inch TFT QVGA with 1.36 inch TFT outer display. Equipped with 1.3-megapixel camera with 8x digital zoom, cell phone that operates at a frequency GSM / EDGE 850/900/1800/1900MHz is also equipped with 32MB of flash memory and 16MB RAM. Nokia 6131 Near Field Communication (NFC) is also enriched Nokia PC Suite with USB, Bluetooth and InfraRed connectivity, Pop-Port interface with USB, Local/remote Sync data synchronization, and using a Li-Ion Battery 820mAh for power management.
Its manual contains detailed information and basic instruction on using your Nokia 6131 NFC. In the user manual also contains an explanation of how to configure and set up that you can do to maximize the use of the features and functionality of the Nokia 6131 NFC. For more information on this handset features and other updated details, just visit their home site.


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